Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'll be honest. Somehow simultaneously I've got very little to say and yet so much to say. I'm processing a lot these days, but nothing is at the surface. I've logged into blogger several times, started to create a post, and have just sat and stared at a blank screen.

I'm not sure where to begin.

My heart is heavy these days, and it's burdened and weighed down by more things than I can even count or begin to write about.

But tonight I read my blogger friend Kate's words, and I'm reminded of so much more than my own burdens. So instead of me writing, I'll just direct you there so you can read her beautifully crafted words for all they're worth. And to me, tonight, they're worth a lot. So, thanks for sharing, Kate.


Anonymous said...

you are a gem...thanks for your kind words and prayers!

Neil and Courtney said...

beautiful post (your and hers). Thanks so much for sharing. I felt touched by Tenderness and Truth.

love you...

ps: your text made me so happy last week. like, really happy :)

Matt Johnson said...

Hey Mandi,
I dunno if you've heard of him, but I was listening to Phil Whickham, and had the thought that he seemed like someone you'd really enjoy, so I hopped over to your blog. You can download a free album on his site right now -