Tuesday, October 03, 2006

hours of fun...

People, there are hours of fun to be had with The Office. First of all, the show is insanely funny. If you don't like it, then I don't like you. Ok, that may not be true, but you should seriously consider expanding your sense of humor. The website for the show has loads of funny videos that I'm sure I'll reward myself with by watching every now and then. The fake PSA videos ("...the More You Know") are great. (By the way, the world needs more of these...CIY did a great job with those this summer as well by making their own "More than You Know" version...check those out on iTunes through their podcast.) Anyway, I just thought I'd shed some light onto the website for The Office. It will provide hours of fun on end, if need be.

Have a lovely day.


Cory said...

Mandarin, that would be a good gift to get David for X-mas:) We always want to watch it but always end up missing it for some reason!

becka said...

sooo funny that you posted this today, b/c right before i went online and read your blog, my mom and i were just watching like 4 episodes.

maybe i'll keep seasons 1 & 2 handy in my car...perhaps we can have a little mini marathon sunday night???