Less than 24 hours...
...until I worship w/ Shane and Shane in Kentucky!!! Can't wait
Greater than $250...
...is what my car is costing (my parents, thankfully, not me) to get a new muffler so it no longer resembles a monster
Less than a week to a month and a half or so...
...to decide my future basically! (eh, no big deal...unless you're ME--the most indecisive person on the planet)
Greater than all my sin...
...Grace, grace, God's grace...(HAHA just kidding--threw that one in to be funny)
Less than one...
...is how many of my fave Cinnamon Crunch bagels were left at Panera tonight when I went...grrrr...STOCK UP crazies!
Greater than Hallmark cards...
...are the cards I now love to make! I love to be crafty! So i've only made 3 so far but oh yes, there will be more.
Less than 7...
...is the number of hours I am about to get of sleep until I get my car fixed at 7:30 a.m. (don't worry call the Car-X man)
Greater than 2 inches...
...is how much hair I had cut off today! I love it though, it's way different than I'm used to and I now have cute bangs on the side! Though I don't look much like Meg Ryan in Kate & Leopold, which is kinda the idea of the picture I had, I still love my new hair. We'll see how much I like it tomorrow when I have to style it myself though.
Less than 1...
...is what I would score on a scale of 1-10 for having the coolest blog ever. Where in the world did I come up w/ this idea? It's a good thing we all learned that "greater than(>)/less than(<)" lesson back in what, second grade? third grade? Where would we be if we had not learned that lesson? I haven't a clue...
Well that was fun. I love being random and weird. I'm off to bed now after a very random and weird day! Pray for me...i have lots of decisions to make about my future, which will be disclosed to you in the future when I myself know what i'm doing. :-)
Much love ya'll,
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