Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Last Commercial Standing?

This is a good summery color, isn't it?  So last night, following my evening walk/run (in effort to reach my summer goal of working out at least twice a week), I returned home to watch my Tues. night lineup on TV.  On Last Comic Standing, it was the night where the Final Five would be chosen.  Unfortunately they called back the comedians who are no longer standing and, as if they were missed, they were asked to vote for who they wanted to see eliminated.  I was getting so mad, because I am sick of the non-funny people moving on just because the others have some sort of personal discrepancies or alliances against those who actually ARE funny.  So here's my suggestion for you if you ever go on a show like that-- forget your stupid strategies and alliances and give credit to whom is the funniest!  By the way, I'd really like to hit Bonnie McFarlane w/ one of those snow boots she wears w/ her flappy skirt when she performs, because she had the nerve to come back from being eliminated and say that no one left was funny!  ohhhh the nerve.....

And in the midst of all of this, I believe we should also have a TV reality show about commercials.  That's something new, right?  Then maybe we could get rid of all the overplayed commercials that are stuck in between the good shows we want to watch.  For awhile I was interested in the car commercials b/c I'm starting to look for a new car and all, but I think I've seen enough of the same ones!  Maybe a commercial competition entitled "Last Commercial Standing" would enforce a little more creativity?  Why not?  We already have FOX & ABC dueling w/ their copycat titles: Trading Spouses--Meet Your New Mommy (FOX), and ABC's already-hit Extreme Makeover, now fondly being called 'Trading Faces.'  What in the world is happening in the land of TV?  Is the summer programming really so bad that you can't come up w/ good ideas and good titles for shows?

Well, I suppose that's enough food for thought right now.  Yes, fulfilling, I know.  Today I don't think my blog is so much for inspiration as it is for venting about last night's television.  On that note, have a wonderful day! 

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