Saturday, May 27, 2006

it's a beautiful day...

It's pretty much like the most gorgeous day ever. I guess I could request just slightly less wind while driving with the windows down so that my hair wouldn't fly everywhere, but I'm not going to complain. It's beautiful. 93 degrees + sunshine + Saturday + nothing really to do = a good day.

I love that when I have nothing really to do I can find a million little things to do such as sleep in, go for a walk/run (mostly walk), vacuum out my car, wash my car, change my shower curtain liner, wash my bathroom rug, file my nails, paint my toenails, write on my blog, make a yummy dinner, bake an angel food cake, read & lay out at the park, Sudoku, and on and on. I think I'll also rent a movie I love...possibly Lucky 7...and eat popcorn. And maybe get some ice cream.

I love summer. These are the days.


Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna lie. I wish I was there to do all that too! Sad day.

Mandy said...

awww, roommate, i wish you were too! it's lonely living by my lonesome! how's life w/ your mom? ;-)

come visit soon! and seriously, the past 2 weeks i've gone to Eastview at 6:30 and NO FUEL...someday at least we'll see each other there...IF THEY EVER HAVE IT!!! I don't know what's going on there.