Wednesday, June 23, 2004

It's crazy how when certain things happen throughout my day now, I think "I'll have to write about that in my blog!" It's quite sad, actually, that I think of things ahead of time to write in here--there's just so much self-inflicted pressure to make sure everything noteworthy is in here and well-said! In reality it just doesn't matter what I write about...

But I will tell you something I saw and wanted to write about the other night. While driving in Bloomington Monday night I passed this car and in the driver's side of the backseat, there was the cutest dog ever and it just seemed to be smiling at me! It just looked so darn happy to be riding in the car w/ its family! I can picture it still, and it just makes me smile! He (or she) was just adorable, and I wondered--Do dogs really smile? I wish you could actually see the difference between their normal face and their smile, but maybe it's more fun to just assume they are. Oh, the silly things I ponder...

It has been a great day today--met some new students who came to early registration and will be here in august. They were cool and I'm really hoping that our campus has a fresh spiritual energy (that sounds a little too new-age-ish but you know what i mean) this fall. I'm looking fwd. to see what potential leaders and awesome students God will raise up out of this new class.

I also almost had Shaun Groves booked for Fall Campus Challenge, but I had to turn that down a minute ago b/c we need something a little more w/ a full band. If he would have been w/ a full band it would be a go, but nope. SO, cross your fingers for Dave Barnes--he's my next possibility and how awesome would that be? (you're thinking "i have no clue b/c i've never heard of him") If that's true, go to and listen--good stuff. OK this is long enough (as if there's a requirement!) so I'll free you up for awhile. Post a comment and let me know what you think about the dog smiling thing--can they smile? how about some other fun dog info? later dawgs...

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