Friday, December 02, 2005

I think I'm burning alive in my office right now. It's a freakin sauna in here!

Christmas in the Chapel last night was a-mazing. Not necessarily my favorite one ever, but still great, as always. It never fails that I will cry while watching for three reasons:
1) I am moved.
2) I miss being up there.
3) I love Christmas.
And this time? The dancing looked like such fun that it made me cry that I didn't get to do it with them! There are a TON of new people in Chorale this year, and I think we're getting a new wave of talent. For the past two years or so it seemed a little different without the Ben Brownings and the Lauren Liggetts and the Benji Maurers and Sarah Formeas. It's the new generation of them, I'm telling you. (And I'm sure that every generation at LCC has their "group" of people who were that generation's talent...those were just some of ours.)

And I would like to call out Christmas in the Chapel as probably the best Christmas performance around. Not just because I'm biased and used to be a part of it. It just is. And to all of you "Living Christmas Tree" programs? Yes, that's you, sister Bible colleges and churches... color me unimpressed. This is different. But I'm not biased or anything... ;-)

If you don't have anything going on this weekend, TRY to get some tickets for this sucker. It's good stuff.


Shelly said...

that's so funny mandy..i was JUST thinking about how i miss Christmas in the Chapel....i agree with it being the best...and i too always cried...even though i knew that someone the kid in the story would end up symbolizing jesus....and please tell me they still sing "rejoice" at the end

Mandy said...

oh girl, you know it wouldn't be C in the C without Rejoice at the end! I remember how every time it got to that part at the end of a performance I'd be smiling so big b/c it was over, but yet sad b/c it was over.

It's interesting after a million times of practicing songs, too, how until you perform them it's just practice. But when you finally perform them, they somehow begin to work on your heart. I guess it's b/c you can see the results in the audience in front of you.

Jen said...

Christmas in the Chapel was always a treat. I will forever remember the year I made my dad go. The theme was The Andy Griffith Show and he's a long time fan. Just having my dad go to something like that was meaningful :)

Lucas said...

I would so go to Christmas in the Chapel, but the next two weekends at our church we will be performing our Living Christmas Tree... Jerks.